Fee and Charges

  • Annual Management Fee
  • Annual management expenses include expense for portfolio management, trustee and custody fees, audit fees, administrative costs and other services properly incurred in the administration of the fund.
  • These costs are paid out of the fund’s assets.
  • Service Charge
  • The initial cost that an investor may incur in relation to investing in unit trusts is the initial service charge.
  • This fee is levied primarily to cover the marketing and distributing of units as well as monitoring of investments by the unit trust consultant for the duration the unit trusts is held.
  • Exit Fee
  • Sometimes referred to as the repurchase charge or redemption charge.
  • This fee represents a deduction by the fund house from the proceeds of disposal of an investor.
  • Trustee Fee
  • The annual trustee fee is a fee paid to the Trustee for the custodial management and administration of a Fund's assets
  • Fund's assets are such as transaction settlement, custody and administration costs amongst others.

Special Deals

600 Online Funds

Over 600 participating online funds are available for investing through eunittrust.com.my

Online Sales Charge

Enjoy a lower sales charge of 1.5% for all participating equity funds and 0% or minimal sales charge for bond funds with eunittrust.com.my! Zero platform fees for bond funds.

Wider Selection of Funds

We give you the widest selection of funds from 35 UTMCs in Malaysia.

2 Types of Switching

We provide 2 types of switching, Intra-switching funds and Inter-switching funds. Intra-switching which means switching in between funds of the same fund house/manager. For Inter-switching would be the switching of funds from a different fund house/manager to another fund house/manager. Fees incurred would be based on product highlight sheet & prospectus of respective UTMCS.

Be an Investor Today

Enjoy our Special Deals during promotional period when you invest via eUnittrust.com.my during our promotional periods where we go as low as 0% sales charge for equity funds. T&C applies.
Feel free to contact us via live chat, email eUnittrust@phillipcapital.com.my or call 03-2783 0300 if you have more questions regarding fees or charges